About Mikki & Galen Walters

Galen was born in 1954, and Mikki was born shortly after that. They met as kids at church and married soon after that at 18 and 21. The journey has been exciting, scary, fulfilling, and far too quick. It has been a journey that has carried them worldwide for various vacations and business trips and later in life on ministry trips. Galen graduated from the Texas Academy of Art as an illustrator but soon found his creative outlet in business. Galen is a creative mind, teacher, businessman, mentor, consultant, and author. Mikki is a creative teacher. She has a special talent for decorating, gardening, and cooking. Her organic style brings comfort to everyone who visits Go Away Farm. The Farm is a place where Galen and Mikki and their kids all live today, as well as six grandchildren. Galen has been active as an entrepreneur now for 40 years and finds joy to tackle each day. He is a problem solver and loves challenging situations. Galen doesn’t mince words and finds that time is too short to play games. Some find it refreshing, and some not so much. But time is of the essence, and he is not willing to waste your time or his unless it’s for a story too good to pass up.

Into His Marvelous Light

Into His Marvelous Light is one of the joys of Galen’s life. In 1987 he enjoyed co-authoring the 1 hour Bible Study with Kirk Bates and Al Gossan. Since then, as the publisher, Galen has seen over 3,000,000 printed, and over 900 churches host the interactive version on their websites globally. Today it is in 22 languages and growing. To God be the Glory!
Guide For Living

Guide For Living

Guide for Living is a follow-on guide for new converts and is a way to connect with new folks who have just discovered the oneness of God and baptism in Jesus’ Name. It touches on most of the questions and provides an opportunity to reconnect and have a critical discussion for new people.
Equipped To Lead

Equipped To Lead

In 1988, with Dan Sanders, Galen co-authored Equipped To Lead. It is a textbook on operational tools and tactics for managing People, Process, Partners, and Performance through the 4P’s Goals System. McGraw Hill published the book after Dan’s New York Times bestseller “Built To Serve” featured the 4P’s in Chapter XI.

Lessons and Thinking

Galen has taught for 40 plus years and finds inspiration and fulfillment in the study. But in 2012, everything changed. Galen had been praying for revelation in the Word, and the Lord spoke to Mikki, and their lives took a turn to ministry. Today, Galen and Mikki devote a large part of their lives to the ministry and to helping pastors and leaders find balance and direction. Go Away Farm has been dedicated to the Lord’s service and has seen over 5,000 visitors in the past years. Galen has created countless lessons and thinking along this path and is willing to share when the inspiration happens. And from time to time, he will be posting tidbits of lessons here for your use.

If you have a problem that needs more thought, or a challenge that seems impossible, Galen can help. He can help you find a better way to handle it and create order. He isn’t afraid of much and is always willing to listen and share. His creative side creates exponential thinking and brings unusual perspectives and out of the blue at times. Galen has been asked to help with tough situations. He has worked hard to improve the organizations and their leaders. Galen and Mikki’s ministry is unique. When you think of ministry, you might not see what they do as part of it. However, since all his peers call it a ministry, we are happy to agree.

Interested in getting away and spending time on yourself and your business or church?

Contact us to learn more.